maternity Photography

This story starts with a maternity session

It was the veery beginning of my photography journey. I had started charging for my craft, but was still getting my feet under me.

My sweet, sweet cousins reached out. They were having a baby and wanted me to take their maternity photos! Que the blushing!

We planned it all out, and had a beautiful maternity session at Ft. Steilacoom Park in Lakewood.

And before I knew it, they were inquiring about me documenting their birth. I could literally cry!

Of course I will document your birth!

Mama wrote out her birth stories to share, so let me stop babbling on about how incredibly honored I have been to document this beautiful family and get on with the story.

stephanie & tyler
valley medical center - SUMMER 2019

Birth Story #1 - Sweet Baby Charlotte

I began having contractions on a warm Thursday night in August 2019, at 7:45pm. I wasn’t sure if this was it… or just false labor. I began timing the contractions about two hours later. I told my husband it was time to load the car and head to the hospital, as the contractions became more unbearable. We left the house about 10:15pm and got to the hospital about 10:45pm. I struggled to get my breathing under control as my husband loaded me into a wheelchair and into triage at the birthing center. This was the most unbearable pain I’ve ever felt in my life and said I aloud “Why would anyone ever do this on purpose?!” (Mind you, I went on to have another baby after this one!)

Holy Painful Contractions, Batman!

I pleaded the nurses to not send me home due to pain. They checked me for dilation and I was at 5cm.


My husband made phone calls to our family to head to the hospital because we were having a baby! After my IV went in, they gave me pain medication to help me relax. I was wheeled into my birthing room and the nurses hooked me up to all the monitors. My husband went to move our car from the emergency parking spaces. As he left the room and I lay in the hospital bed to try to relax, I felt a gush of fluid.

Of course my water broke! As family began showing up at the hospital, I opted for an epidural to help with the pain. In came the anesthesiologist with that ginormous needle to bless me with sweet relief. The epidural was placed and visitors came in to help keep the positive vibes going.

Time To Meet My Baby

Time To Meet My Baby

The doctors checked me again and I was 7cm dilated, at about 1:00am. Then 3:45am rolls around and the doctor checked me again. Our visitors left for the waiting room to give us some privacy. I was fully dilated to 10cm… only 8 hours into labor. How could that be? Whatever miracle has blessed me, let’s get this baby out! After about an hour of pushing and amazing support from my husband, out came our first baby girl! 🩷

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Hello Little One

Queue the uncontrollable tears of joy and happiness. I couldn’t believe I did it. I gave birth. I ACTUALLY gave birth to a human. Along with the happiness, the overwhelming relief and side affects subsided moments after.
It was time for my husband and I to have our first moments of pure bliss to enjoy this tiny bundle of joy. Jessica captured the most amazing moments during labor and delivery, so we did not have to worry.

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And Then There Were Four - Birth Story Two

its time to have another baby

My labor for our second daughter began at about 8:45pm on May 27th 2021. An uncontrollable spout of the stomach flu jump started my labor. Yikes.

I gave my body an hour to try to see if the contractions would subside. After timing them, they did not! At 9:45pm, we began calling family and friends to notify them our second daughter was coming! My husband loaded the car and off we went to the hospital. He couldn’t drive to the hospital quickly enough! I felt the uncontrollable urge to push while in the car. But my water hadn’t broken yet. 

jessica piek
tacoma birth photographer

Wait, WHAT!

As Tyler wheeled me into triage, the nurse spoke SO SLOWLY. Almost as though we had all the time in the world. (I very vividly remember this interaction.) The nurse finally put me into a triage room and checked my dilation. The nurse exclaimed ‘ohh!’ and quickly left the room. I looked at my husband confused.. and wondering what that could’ve meant. She came back in a few minutes after and said ‘well, you’re fully dilated.’ Oh my god. Excuse me? I’ve been in labor for like an hour and a half.

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award winning birth Photography in tacoma

And Just Like That -

its time to have a baby

 As the nurses frantically got the birth room set up, my body continued to naturally push the baby out with each contraction, regardless of what I did. What a crazy feeling! With my husband by my side, I begged for an epidural. Any relief! Please, for the love of Pete! After quickly administering the epidural, the doctor broke my water about 11:20pm. It was time to push!

Welcome To The World Sweet Baby Violet!

Three pushes later, our second daughter blessed us with her presence at 11:45pm. We were emotionally overjoyed to experience our final labor and delivery. We took in the little moments and relished in our elation, our little family was complete. 

Fun fact: We chose our daughters name from the grace of a coin toss!

Jess caught the most memorable moments of us and both our babies. No amount of thanks could ever explain the appreciation we have of her and her brilliant work.

tyler & steph
valley medical center, auburn - 2021